Воркшопи та семінари TRAIN THE TRAINERS

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LOUIS FRAMEWORK seminar for academic community

A seminar for the academic community on the “LOUIS FRAMEWORK” was held within the international EURIDICE project on February, 28.

The event was opened by Kees Kouwenaar, former Aurora Secretary General (retired). The speaker was also Francesca Scamardella, Associate Professor at the Department of Law at the University of Naples Federico II, where she teaches Ethics and Professional Deontology, Governance and Business Ethics. The discussion was continued by Olena Mykolenko, EURIDICE Project Manager at Karazin University. And finally, the event was concluded by Maxim Tomoszek, Vice-Dean for Bachelor and Master Degree Programs at Palacký University, President of the European Network for Clinical Legal Education.

The seminar aimed to show to how to increase the impact of teaching, and more actively engage students in learning. The presented LOUIS Framework will help to demonstrate general and soft skills to students and can be integrated into the structure of courses in Ukrainian educational institutions. In total, more than 70 participants from educational institutions of Ukraine took part in the event.

LOUIS (AURORA Competence Framework)  is a tool that supports academic teachers to articulate learning outcomes for general academic and personal competences. It deconstructs broad competences like ‘critical thinking’ into more tangible elements and describes students’ competence in these from lower to higher levels of proficiency and complexity.

The program can be found at the link.

More about the EURIDICE project.