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Representatives of Student Self-Government Meeting to Elect Dean and Associate Deans of the School

May 22, 2013

Representatives of Student Self-Government Meeting to Elect Dean and Associate Deans of the School

On May 22, 2013 representatives of student self-government held a meeting to elect Dean and Associate Deans of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.

Lecture by Professor of Law, International Economic and Investment Law from Ecuador

May 17, 2013

Lecture by Professor of Law, International Economic and Investment Law from Ecuador

On May 17, 2013 the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University hosted a public lecture by Professor Jose Prieto on: Fundamental Principles of Intellectual Property Right Protection on the International Level.

Lecture by Professor of Law Jose Gustavo Prieto Munoz from the University of the Andes

May 14, 2013

Lecture by Professor of Law Jose Gustavo Prieto Munoz from the University of the Andes

Karazin University held a lecture by Professor of Law Jose Gustavo Prieto Munoz from the University of the Andes on “International Investment Law”.

Professor of Economics Meeta Keswani Mehra’ Lecture

May 14, 2013

Professor of Economics Meeta Keswani Mehra’ Lecture

On May 8, 2013 Karazin University, under the aegis of the Ukrainian-Indian Academic Center and the Embassy of India in Ukraine, hosted a lecture by the famous Indian researcher in Economics, Doctor of Economics Meeta Keswani Mehra. The public lecture on Indian Economy in the World was held in the University Main Building (room 2-49).

Results of Competition in Foreign Language

May 13, 2013

Results of Competition in Foreign Language

The School congratulates the winners of the Competition in Foreign Language:

New Major Available in 6.030204 – International Information

May 02, 2013

New Major Available in 6.030204 – International Information

Congratulations! The first students majoring in International Information in a Bachelor’s program are to enrolled on September 1, 2013.

Panel Discussion Dedicated to Victory Day

April 29, 2013

Panel Discussion Dedicated to Victory Day

On April 29, 2013, on the eve of the 68th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Department of International Law initiated a panel discussion dedicated to Victory Day, its participants being first-year students of groups УП-11 and УП-12 majoring in International Law.

Happy Birthday, Dear School!

April 26, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dear School!

On April 26, 2013 the Column Hall of the University Northern Building hosted a gala concert to celebrate the 8th Anniversary of our favorite School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business! First-to-fourth year students participated in the concert!

Alumni Day

April 20, 2013

Alumni Day

On April 20, 2013, on the initiative of the Association of the University Alumni, Faculty and Friends, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University celebrated traditional Alumni Day.

All-Ukrainian Research-to-Practice Conference “Modernization as Development Factor”

April 18, 2013

All-Ukrainian Research-to-Practice Conference “Modernization as Development Factor”

On April 17, 2013 the Department of Economic Theory of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University held the All-Ukrainian Research-to-Practice Conference “Modernization as Development Factor”.