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Conference on World Economy and International Economic Relations

April 04, 2014

Conference on World Economy and International Economic Relations

The School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business of Karazin University, the Ukrainian Association of International Economists and the Student scientific Society of the University held a research-to-practice conference of young scientists “Pressing Issues of World Economy and International Economic Relations”.

Miss University 2014

March 28, 2014

Miss University 2014

On March 27, 2014, Karazin University held the traditional beauty pageant "Miss University 2014" organized under the aegis of the Trade Union of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students.

Round-Table Discussion "Business Reloaded. Second Level: Possibilities and Challenges"

March 28, 2014

Round-Table Discussion "Business Reloaded. Second Level: Possibilities and Challenges"

Karazin University, on the initiative of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, held a round-table discussion “Business Reloaded. Second Level: Possibilities and Challenges”.

Famous Musician Sviatoslav Vakarchuk visits Karazin University

March 03, 2014

Famous Musician Sviatoslav Vakarchuk visits Karazin University

Karazin University held a meeting between the famous Ukrainian musician, leader of the “Okean Elzy” band, public figure Sviatoslav Vakarchuk and the representatives of Kharkiv academic community.

Conference in Tourism Studies

February 28, 2014

Conference in Tourism Studies

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University held the VII International Research-to-Practice Conference of Young Scientists "Contemporary Issues of Travel Business" organized on the initiative of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business and uniting representatives in the field of Tourism Studies from over 15 universities of Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.

A Delegation from Turkey Visiting Karazin University

February 26, 2014

A Delegation from Turkey Visiting Karazin University

A delegation from Çukurova University (Turkey) came to Karazin University on a working visit. It comprised Vice-President Seyhan Tükel, Mevliana Program Moderator Hussein Ertent and his deputy Olha Kunt.

Study Guide for Pre-Degree Practice is Publicly Available!

February 25, 2014

Study Guide for Pre-Degree Practice is Publicly Available!

For the attention of fifth-year-students majoring in International Economic Relations!

Conference in Foreign Languages: Wrap-Up

February 22, 2014

Conference in Foreign Languages: Wrap-Up

On February 22, 2014, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University held a regional student scientific conference “Foreign Languages in the World Economic and Legal Environment” organized by the Department of Business Foreign Language and Translation (School of Foreign Languages), the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, and the School of Economics and engaging 77 participants.

Public Lecture by Professor Biswajit Nag

February 17, 2014

Public Lecture by Professor Biswajit Nag

On the initiative of the Ukrainian-Indian Academic Center, Karazin University hosted a public lecture by Professor Biswajit Nag from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade given on the topic: "India in International Economic Relations".

Vacation in Bukovel

February 11, 2014

Vacation in Bukovel

The School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, as always, will not stay at home. This time everyone interested spent their leisure time in an active way by going to the Bukovel ski resort.