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University Debate Club Presentation

October 01, 2014

University Debate Club Presentation

On October 1, 2014, the Student Scientific Society of Karazin University organized a presentation of the University Debate Club.

University Debate Club Presentation

September 30, 2014

University Debate Club Presentation

Karazin University is happy to invite you to attend a presentation of the University Debate Club to be held on October 1, 2014. Its participants will learn about the history of debate and benefits of participation in it.

Professor Paweł Kowal`s Public Lecture

September 30, 2014

Professor Paweł Kowal`s Public Lecture

Karazin University held a public lecture Europe and Ukraine in the Last Decade given by the Polish politician, member of the European Parliament, Chairman of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, Professor Paweł Kowal.

Happy World Tourism Day!

September 27, 2014

Happy World Tourism Day!

World Tourism Day was initiated by the decision of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Presentation “Tourism and Information Center is Pleased to Invite”

September 26, 2014

Presentation “Tourism and Information Center is Pleased to Invite”

On September 26, 2014 Kharkiv Regional Tourism and Information Center held a presentation Tourism and Information Center is Pleased to Invite. The event took place within the framework of World Tourism Day celebration with active participation in it of the third- and fourth-year students majoring in Tourism of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.

Welcome to the family! Initiation of the first-year students of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business into studentry

September 23, 2014

Welcome to the family! Initiation of the first-year students of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business into studentry

On September 19 the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business celebrated a great holiday of 284 first-year students joining the School’s family.

Initiation into Studentry of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

September 01, 2014

Initiation into Studentry of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Dear friends! Let us congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year!

School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business freshmen meeting

August 29, 2014

School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business freshmen meeting

Today meeting for freshmen within the walls of our department took place. The dean, dean deputy, leading experts of our department and also representatives of students’ self-government - Vadim Sidorov, made welcoming speeches.

​The Bulletin is focused on currently important problems of International Economic Relations, Economics, Area Studies and Tourism.

July 24, 2014

​The Bulletin is focused on currently important problems of International Economic Relations, Economics, Area Studies and Tourism.

The issue covers theoretical foundations of the study of the world economy, analyses national model of social and economic development and international integration processes, competitive strategies touching upon the problems of the modern system of international law and reflecting theory and practice of Area Studies and Tourism.

​Panel Discussion "Contemporary Issues of Tourism Development in Japan"

May 14, 2014

​Panel Discussion "Contemporary Issues of Tourism Development in Japan"

Karazin University held a panel discussion “Contemporary Issues of Tourism Development in Japan” organized on the initiative of the Center for International Cooperation and the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.