December 04, 2015
Kharkiv English Debate League KEDL- 2015The School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business of Karazin University has held the English Debate League KEDL- 2015 organized by the Head of the University Debate Club, Danylo Rudenko, under the aegis of the Research Society of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of the University and the Center for International Cooperation.
November 20, 2015
Conference “Travel Business: World Trends and National Priorities”On November 20, 2015, to mark the 10th anniversary of the Department of Travel Business, Kharkiv Palace hotel hosted the VII International Research-to-Practice Conference Travel Business: World Trends and National Priorities.
November 18, 2015
Euro-Atlantic Youth Security Forum: BeginningKarazin University has opened the Euro-Atlantic Youth Security Forum. The event was organized on the initiative of the University and the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine and under the aegis of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Ukraine. The students of the School of IER and TB took part in the Forum.
November 09, 2015
Open House at Karazin UniversityV. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University has held the first in the current academic year Open House Day on the 8th of November, enabling future applicants to communicate with the representatives of its schools, watch films about the University, study presentation booklets of the schools, observe scientific experiments.
November 09, 2015
The School Student among the Winners of University Round of German ContestOn October 28, 2015, Karazin University, on the initiative of the Department of German and French Languages of the School of Foreign Languages, held the University round of the contest in German among students whose major in not the German Language.
November 03, 2015
Meeting-Seminar: “Translation for OSCE/ODIHR at Local Election in Ukraine – 2015”On October 29th, 2015, the Department of Business Foreign Language and Translation held a seminar for the Master’s students of the Department of IER with the participation of the Department Associate Professor – the translator of the official observers of OSCE/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in Kharkiv O.V. Maksymenko.
October 20, 2015
University Team To Win Swimming CompetitionTo mark Defender of Ukraine Day, on October 7-8, Kharkiv hosted sports competitions among students of Kharkiv higher educational institutions. The participants competed in chin-up, tug-of-war, kettlebell lifting, track and field, and swimming.
October 12, 2015
Karazin University Students are Diplomatic Trainees in HungaryOn October 4-9, 2015, 24 students and five faculty members of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business participated in the third program of diplomatic traineeship "Hungary: Visegrad Group Country’s Experience in the EU" held within the scope of the European School project. The Hungarian Embassy in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Embassy in Hungary had assisted in organizing this educational course.
October 07, 2015
Youth Will Change the Country: Meeting with Distinguished Scientist Bohdan HawrylyshynKarazin University has held a meeting with the distinguished scientist, public figure, benefactor, member of the Club of Rome and the First December Initiatory Group, Bohdan Hawrylyshyn. The assosiate professors and students of the School of IER and TB took part in the event.
October 05, 2015
Europe in a Suitcase: Meeting with Experts on Educational Opportunities AbroadKarazin University has held a meeting of its students with experts from Germany, Poland and Ukraine intended to encourage European dialog with Ukraine. The meeting took place within the International German-Polish-Ukrainian project "Europe in a Suitcase" realized together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, the European Academy Berlin and the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation.