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Reelection of Student School Council

April 25, 2016

Reelection of Student School Council

April 23, 2016 the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business held the reelection of the Student School Council. The reelection took place in the form of a session.

The lecture “Coffee Bean’s Journey from Plant to Cup” by Ruslan Karelashvili

April 25, 2016

The lecture “Coffee Bean’s Journey from Plant to Cup” by Ruslan Karelashvili

Within the frame of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business Week the controlling manager of the «Kofein» network Ruslan Karelashvili presented the lecture “Coffee Bean’s Journey from Plant to Cup” to the students.

Lecture “Modern trends in travel business”

April 25, 2016

Lecture “Modern trends in travel business”

Within the week of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business the lecture by the "STravel" tourist agency’s representatives Mariia Kofanova and Mariia Mohucheva on the subject “Modern trends in travel business” took place.

The Lecture “The Niceties of the International Cooperation” by Arsen Buchkovskyi

April 25, 2016

The Lecture “The Niceties of the International Cooperation” by Arsen Buchkovskyi

Within the frame of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business Week the students of the School met the lawyer of the Employment and Taxation Law Department at the ILF Law Firm, Arsen Buchkovskyi.

The Lecture by Kateryna Zaslavska "Work of the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of  Germany in Kharkiv"

April 25, 2016

The Lecture by Kateryna Zaslavska "Work of the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kharkiv"

Within the framework of the week of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business there was held a lecture by the Assistant of the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kharkiv Kateryna Zaslavska. The majority of listeners were senior students as the topic of the lecture was quite difficult: “The Work of the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kharkiv”.

Fair of Vacancies at Karazin University

April 22, 2016

Fair of Vacancies at Karazin University

The Center for Employment of Students and Alumni of Karazin University has held its traditional Fair of Vacancies that took place within the framework of "Karazin career week".

The Diplomatic Game "The Terroristic Threat to the International Community"

April 22, 2016

The Diplomatic Game "The Terroristic Threat to the International Community"

On April 19 the student diplomatic game was held within the frame of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business Week. The topic of the game was the terroristic threat to the international community. Students of different specialities from first to fourth academic years took part at the event.

Masterclass in Arabic and Chinese Calligraphy

April 22, 2016

Masterclass in Arabic and Chinese Calligraphy

Within the week of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business the masterclass in Arabic and Chinese calligraphy was held on April 19, 2016. The event was held under the moto «International Economic Relations and Travel Business International» and united everyone interested in Eastern cultures and those who aspired to get new interesting information.

“School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow”, lecture by Artur Holikov

April 22, 2016

“School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow”, lecture by Artur Holikov

Within the school week the lecture “School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow” by the cofounder of the school Artur Holikov took place on April 20. The main subject of the lecture was the history of the school foundation from the conception till the present day.

School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business holds FOODFEST

April 22, 2016

School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business holds FOODFEST

Within the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business week on April 20 occurred a charity fair FOODFEST. The motto of that day was “School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business with generous heart”.