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October 07, 2015

Youth Will Change the Country: Meeting with Distinguished Scientist Bohdan Hawrylyshyn

Youth Will Change the Country: Meeting with Distinguished Scientist Bohdan Hawrylyshyn

Karazin University has held a meeting with the distinguished scientist, public figure, benefactor, member of the Club of Rome and the First December Initiatory Group, Bohdan Hawrylyshyn. The assosiate professors and students of the School of IER and TB took part in the event.

Vice-President Yurii Kholin addressed the audience with an opening speech, ‘I am very pleased to welcome a legendary person, who first visited our University more than 20 years ago. It is very important in our hard times that there are people who have knowledge, experience, great wisdom and are willing to share them with others.‘

Mr. Hawrylyshyn recounted his vision of Ukraine’s development, ’Today the country is in an unsatisfactory state, but it has a great potential. It needs to be transformed rather than reformed, which ought to be accomplished by the young generation that is not affected by the negative experience of the times of the USSR or independent Ukraine. These people ought to be competent, patriotic and unyielding to corruption."

Roman Melnyk, coordinator of the Youth Will Change the Country Program of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Charity Foundation, told those present about the project called on to study the best European practices and to apply them in the Ukrainian realias. The program consists of creation of groups of 6-7 people whose scope of activity is connected with political science, economy, sociology, ecology and law; introduction to the functional specificity of these fields in one of six European countries, a meeting with an ambassador of the chosen country, a study-tour to the country, work in Ukrainian executive and legislative local authorities.

The participants study the experience of Germany, Austria, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden and Poland who have reached the highest levels of social and economic development, and are characterized by total political freedom, a high social welfare level, social justice and environmental symbiosis instead of its thoughtless exploitation. The foundation defrays the study-tours expenses.

The program presentation and Bohdan Hawrylyshyn’s lecture brought about a lively discussion that involved faculty and students of the University.

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