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July 09, 2015

Karazin University Students Participate in the All-Ukrainian Training “Quality of Higher Education Through Students’ Eyes”

Karazin University Students Participate in the All-Ukrainian Training “Quality of Higher Education Through Students’ Eyes”

Kyiv has hosted the All-Ukrainian training Quality of Higher Education through Students’ Eyes. The training took place within the Tempus IMPRESS project on June 21-23, 2015. The participants representing Karazin University were students from the Department of International Law (School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business):Alina Abramova, Alona Shevchenko, Ihor Voievodin, Vladyslav Slavov and the student from the School of Mechanics and Mathematics, Tetiana Cherednichenko.

The training addressed the Standards and Recommendations as to Quality Assurance in the European Space of Higher Education and the practices of their implementation in the European countries where the studies are held under the Bologna system. The students also learned about their implementation in the higher educational institutions of Ukraine, and possible ways to improve the state of higher education in our country.

Besides, the participants analyzed the opportunities of engaging students in the education process improvement, looked into the practices of students' organizations in Europe (Students’ Pool), and designed models of creating and developing a students committee on education quality in Ukraine. The training culminated in the announcement of the creation of the National Students’ QA Experts’ Pool on the basis of the Ukrainian Association of Student Self-Government.