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October 16, 2014

Students of the School Participate in the International Agricultural Forum

Students of the School Participate in the International Agricultural Forum

Students of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business of Karazin University participated in the International Agricultural Forum AgroPort that began its work in Kharkiv on October 16, 2014.

The goal of the event is to create conditions for reviving farm enterprises in Ukraine, to raise awareness of the public, investors, authorities and local self-government of the problem of food security in Ukraine, to provide the people with a tool for creating and developing farm enterprises.

The forum, program includes a number of events, in particular expositions of equipment and products for farm enterprises, farm competitions of equipment and animals, science meetings and master-classes.

Among other things, the participants of the meetings will be discussing the agricultural future of Ukraine, registration of products and brands, pest control, strategies for developing and running agribusiness, activities of land-banks, import-export operations in agriculture, crop growth technologies.