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September 27, 2014

Happy World Tourism Day!

Happy World Tourism Day!

World Tourism Day was initiated by the decision of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

The holiday was first celebrated in the Spanish city Torremolinos in 1979. Being a member of the UNWTO, Ukraine celebrates Tourism Day in accordance with the Order of the President No. 471/98 as of 1998.

The conceptual idea of the holiday is promotion of values, philosophy and opportunities of contemporary tourism for a person, society and state as a tool in achieving economic development, creating jobs, ensuring sustainable development, and eliminating poverty.

Tourism Day is annually celebrated under a certain motto determined by the UNWTO in advance. For quite a while this motto has been called to use the tourism toolkit to bring up and solve global tasks set within the regional development goals provided for in the United Nations Millennium Declaration.

In 2014 the central theme of the festivities is Tourism and Social Development, which emphasizes the opportunities tourism offers in creating conditions for local development.

World Tourism Day is a holiday of everyone fond of near and far journeys, active and informative recreation.

May success, joy, zest in exploring the world attend you!

Department of Travel Business