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December 10, 2013

Methodical Round Table “Vox emissa volat, litera scripta manet… Written Assessment in Higher Educational Institutions: Pros and Cons”

Methodical Round Table “Vox emissa volat, litera scripta manet… Written Assessment in Higher Educational Institutions: Pros and Cons”

On December 10, 2013, the School held a methodical round-table discussion for faculty and postgraduate students, entitled “Vox emissa volat, litera scripta manet… Written Assessment in Higher Educational Institutions: Pros and Cons”.

The meeting discussed the types and forms of written assessment organization at Ukrainian higher educational institutions, delved into the peculiarities of organization of written papers through the system of distance learning. Special attention was paid to written papers organization at the University of Miami (USA).

It should be noted that it has become a tradition at our School to hold such events aimed at improving our faculty's professional skills.

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