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November 28, 2013

Student of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business visits Poland on an Academic Program

Student of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business visits Poland on an Academic Program

As a participant of the program “Academic Trips to Poland” 4th-year student Karyna Holoborodko (UO-41) stayed in Lublin on November 4–15.

The purpose of the trip was to get acquainted with all the spheres of life in Poland after the fall of the Communist rule and entry into the European Union. This youth program is organized by the “Borussia” Foundation. The “KreAdukatsiia” Foundation acted as the host party.

Participation in the program was competition-based. Students from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova took part in the shortlisting.

The program acquainted the students with work of non-governmental organizations, Lublin local authorities and media as well as with the educational system in Poland (on the example of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and The College of Enterprise and Administration).

Within the framework of the program the students participated in workshops on establishment of democracy in Poland, its administrative division and changes that took place in the country after it became an EU member. They also took part in different cultural events, learned more about the history of the country and visited historical sights.

Karyna Holoborodko pointed out that the program was rather diverse, eventful, informative and well-organized, and that the trip left a positive impression on her. She said that she would be happy to visit Poland again as a tourist or an intern.