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September 01, 2013

All-City Ceremony of Initiation into Studentry

All-City Ceremony of Initiation into Studentry

On the occasion of Day of Knowledge Svobody Sq. hosted a parade of higher educational institutions. Students and faculty from 32 higher educational institutions of Kharkiv marched across the largest square in the city with representatives of Karazin University headed by its President Vil Bakirov among them.

The first-year students were congratulated on Day of Knowledge by Kharkiv Regional State Administration Mykhailo Dobkin and Kharkiv City Mayor Hennadii Kernes. A greeting address to the first-year students was also given by university presidents Vil Bakirov (V. N. Karazin KHarkiv National University) and Vasyl Tatsii (National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy”).

Within the festive agenda the presidents and other participants of the celebration signed the book “Chronicles of Kharkiv Studentry” where names of all first-year students have been entered for three years now. The guests of honor of the holiday took part in an extraordinary act: with three strokes they broke symbolic “granite of science” as a symbol of assistance to first-year students in their studies.

The agenda also included a traditional flash mob and lighting the Fire of Knowledge. The all-city initiation ceremony ended with a gala concert for students.

Photo from the website of Kharkiv City Council.

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