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May 25, 2016

Fridtjof Nansen Lecture Hall Opening

Fridtjof Nansen Lecture Hall Opening

Karazin University has held the opening of the lecture hall named after the outstanding Norwegian oceanographer, biologist, meteorologist, public figure, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Fridtjof Nansen.

The event took place with the participation of University President Vil Bakirov, Vice-President Zarif Nazyrov, First Ambassador of Norway in Ukraine, Øyvind Nordsletten, the senior adviser of Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue,Steinar Bryn, the First Secretary for Administrative Affairs of the Embassy of Norway, Byornar K. Hudmestad-Teyhen, the coordinator of Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, Anatolii Kyryliuk, the Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Center for Harmony, Olha Zeleniuk, the adviser of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Anna Kirvas, students and faculty of Karazin University.

“Fridtjof Nansen visited Kharkiv in 1920s. He did a lot for the faculty and students of Kharkiv universities, including V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, to suffer less from hunger and misery. It was thanks to Fridtjof Nansen that two canteens were opened, where 2,000 students a month could have free means”, said Mr. Bakirov.

“Fridtjof Nansen is a prominent figure in Norway. His activity is known in all parts of the world. We are honored that he is so well remembered in Ukraine”, saidMr. Hudmestad-Teyhen.

The participants also attended a lecture on Fridtjof Nansen’s humanitarian activity, and watched the documentary “Revival: 10 Years after the War”.

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