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April 25, 2016

The lecture “Coffee Bean’s Journey from Plant to Cup” by Ruslan Karelashvili

The lecture “Coffee Bean’s Journey from Plant to Cup” by Ruslan Karelashvili

Within the frame of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business Week the controlling manager of the «Kofein» network Ruslan Karelashvili presented the lecture “Coffee Bean’s Journey from Plant to Cup” to the students.

Did you know that coffee is a berry? Now the students at our School know not only this fact! During his lecture Ruslan Karelashvili shared a lot of interesting information with coffee addicts:

  1. 1. Countries where coffee is grown.
  2. 2. Types of coffee and its flavours.
  3. 3. The processing stages of coffee beans
  4. 4. The rules of roasting the beans until done.
  5. 5. The science of coffee and its studying.

Ruslan Karelashvili is the person who know about coffee more than it’s possible. We are glad to welcome such people at our University, especially if they share such interesting information with us!

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