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April 22, 2016

Fair of Vacancies at Karazin University

Fair of Vacancies at Karazin University

The Center for Employment of Students and Alumni of Karazin University has held its traditional Fair of Vacancies that took place within the framework of "Karazin career week".

More than 30 leading companies of Ukraine, namely the NIX Solutions, Alladin Print, Arzinger, EY, Gameloft, Nestle, PrivatBank, the Phillip Morris Ukraine, Sigma, Top Sale, SUN InBev Ukraine, offered vacancies in the fields of IT, sales, logistics, law, translation, biotechnologies, chemistry, physics, finance, SMM, technologies, production quality control, etc.

The companies presented their employment opportunities, traineeships and studies as in Ukraine as also abroad. Everyone interested could receive the necessary information from the representatives of the employing companies, sign up for an interview, and get a consultation concerning the most fitting profession.

«Karazin career week» will last till April 23d, 2016 included. The Fair planning includes trainings on job hunting, meetings with employers, round tables, lectures, master-classes.

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