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April 07, 2016

A. Y. Parfinenko took part in the parliamentary hearings

 A. Y. Parfinenko took part in the parliamentary hearings

On the 6th of April, 2016, the head of the Travel Business Department A. Y. Parfinenko took part in the parliamentary hearings on the topic: "The Travel Industry development as an instrument of economic development and investment attractiveness of Ukraine".

Opening the parliamentary hearings, the Deputy Chairwoman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine O.I. Syroiid pointed out that Ukraine, being in the center of Europe and placing one of the leading positions in terms of valuable natural and cultural resources provision, has all the prerequisites for a stable development of economy at the expenses from the tourism industry. Taking into consideration the realities of today's life, the core attention of the state must be focused on overcoming the existing negative tendencies, creating complex conditions for the travel industry development as a prior course for the country economic growth and filling the budgets on every level.

The reports were also presented by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Klimenko Y. L., the chairman of the Committee on Family, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism Palatnyi A.L., the head of the Subcommittee on Tourism Development, Resorts and Recreational Activities Romanova A.A., etc.

By the end of the hearings, the participants had worked out several recomendations, including:

  • to ensure the provision according to the budget request of additional funding for the MInistry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine for the implementation of the tourism sector activities;
  • to approve the Strategy of Tourism and Resorts for the period 2016-2020 until June 1st, 2016;
  • to approve the State Program for the Tourism and Resorts Development for the period 2017-2020 until January 1st, 2017;
  • to take actions on the Development of State Cadastre of Natural Resort Areas of Ukraine and State Cadastre of Natural Medicinal Resources of Ukraine;
  • to recommend to create a separate central executive body in the tourism and resorts sector until September 1st, 216;
  • to provide the preparation of the catalog of investment projects in tourism and resorts sector for a presentation to the potential foreign and domestic investors;
  • with the participations of interested parties, to develop the standards of higher education in such specialties as 'Tourism", "Hotel and Restaurant Business", etc., which provide the preparation of the specialists for the tourism sector according to the appropriate levels of higher education, considering the proposals of the association of employers in tourism sector concerning the professional competence (professional standards) of the specialist.

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