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February 29, 2016

The defense of works in the specialty "Turyzmoznavstvo"

The defense of works in the specialty "Turyzmoznavstvo"

On the period 22-24 of February 2016 the department of Travel Business was holding the defense of Master’s Works in the specialty “Turyzmoznavstvo”.

The defense commission was conducted by thehead of theTravel Business department of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, the professor Sergii Ivanovych Lyman, among those who were present there were the dean of the School of IER and TB Vadym Ihorovych Sydorov, the head of the Travel Business department Anatolii Juriiovych Parfinenko, and also the assosiate professors of the TB department.

The department is famous for its traditions, for many years of teaching and science work experience, and, of course, for its graduates, the greater part of which do work by their specialty in the sphere of travel business.

The graduates had presented work on various topics, demonstrated the proper level of preparation. The commission board had pointed out the quality of the works presented with their up-to-day issues, they meet the requirements of time, reveal the current problems of domestic and foreign travel business and can be used in practice.