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May 28, 2013

Research-to-Practice Conference “Traditional Culture under Globalization: Regional Peculiarities and Development of Tourism”

Research-to-Practice Conference “Traditional Culture under Globalization: Regional Peculiarities and Development of Tourism”

On May 24-25, 2013 Kharkiv hosted a research-to-practice conference “Traditional Culture under Globalization: Regional Peculiarities and Development of Tourism”.

The two major topics under discussion within the conference were studies of regional peculiarities of traditional culture and their use in tourism development.

Reports were presented by scholars and leading experts in traditional culture, history, area studies and tourism from different cities of Ukraine. The Department of Travel Business was represented at the conference by Associate Professors A. Yu. Parfynenko and I. S. Posokhov.

“This research-to-practice conference has always been a momentous event for the Regional Administration. The topic under discussion has remained relevant over years,” said Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Dmytro Kuznietsov. – The process of globalization has been picking up speed from year to year challenging us over and over again, primarily with how to preserve cultural heritage of the region. And today the intellectual and creative potential of Kharkiv scholars has created a system of immaterial cultural heritage preservation on the regional level.”

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