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December 04, 2015

Kharkiv English Debate League KEDL- 2015

 Kharkiv English Debate League KEDL- 2015

The School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business of Karazin University has held the English Debate League KEDL- 2015 organized by the Head of the University Debate Club, Danylo Rudenko, under the aegis of the Research Society of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of the University and the Center for International Cooperation.

As is the tradition, the English tournament participants were not only Ukrainians, but also foreigners, namely from India and Jordan.

The participants discussed the following relevant topics: permission for public servants to use social media, monetary reward for neighbourhood watch volunteers helping the police patrol the streets, reasonableness of economic, migration, energy and fuel blockade of countries or certain regions where the anti-terrorist operations are being conducted, even if it can cause a humanitarian catastrophe in the region.

The winner in the tournament is the Up in Flames Team of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, the top speaker is Illia Azovtsev (NoUnityTeam). A representative of Karazin University is also in the final.

The meetings are held every Wednesday at 3:20 PM, at the address: room 3-14, 3rd floor, University Northern Building, 6 Svoboda Sq.