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November 09, 2015

Open House at Karazin University

Open House at Karazin University

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University has held the first in the current academic year Open House Day on the 8th of November, enabling future applicants to communicate with the representatives of its schools, watch films about the University, study presentation booklets of the schools, observe scientific experiments.

Karazin University President Vil Bakirov welcomed the future students, “It is for 210 years now that the University has been imparting knowledge to generations of specialists while fulfilling its mission ’to learn, to teach, to enlighten’, enriching the world culture and cultivating spiritual values. In the XIX century, Kharkiv was a small provincial town, and it was the University that served as a powerful spur to its transformation into a major scientific, industrial, cultural center, a modern megapolis and a European city”. The President emphasized that the University provides opportunities for professional, scientific and creative growth and comprehensive personal development. He invited those present to visit its numerous museums, exhibition grounds of science and contemporary art and art gallery , and wished luck in choosing the profession wisely.

The Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Olha Anoshchenko, explained the peculiarities of the Entrance Campaign 2016. She outlined its terms, the list of the documents required, and focused on the principles of the priority (ranking) of applications submitted and other innovations introduced last year. Beside this, the potential applicants and their parents also had a chance to meet with the representatives of the schools tehy intend to enroll in and receive more information on each program of training offered at the particular school.

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