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April 05, 2013

Research-to-Practice Conference “Actual Problems of World Economy and International Economic Relations”

Research-to-Practice Conference “Actual Problems of World Economy and International Economic Relations”

On April 5, 2013 Karazin University held the VIII Research-to-Practice Conference of young scientists “Actual Problems of World Economy and International Economic Relations”.

In his welcoming address, Full Professor V. I. Sidorov, Dean of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, welcomed the participants and guests of the conference and wished them a fruitful and interesting debate.

The conference began with the Plenary Meeting offering the following reports:

  • “Accelerated Modernization Model: China’s Experience” by O. A. Dovhal, full professor of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Institute of Economics and International Relations of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.
  • “Choosing Priorities of State Industrial Development Targeted Programs in Countries of the World and in Ukraine” by I. Yu. Matiushenko, full professor of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Institute of Economics and International Relations of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.
  • “Problems related to Implementation of the International Criminal Court Statute into Law of Ukraine” by Associate Professor L. V. Novikova, Head of the Department of International Law of the Institute of Economics and International Relations of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.
  • “Geo-Economic Strategy of Ukraine in the Context of Comparative Assessment of Advantages of the Free Trade Zone with the EU and Customs Union EurAsES ” by A. P. Holikov, full professor of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Institute of Economics and International Relations of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.

After the Plenary Meeting the conference continued its work at the Section Meetings working in the following areas:

  • Problems of Development of International Economic Relations
  • Problems of Development of World Economy and National Economies.
  • International Law in the System of International Relations.

The conference work resulted in publication of a compendium of abstracts of reports.

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