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March 15, 2013

Speaking Club Meeting on “Spring Celebrations in Different Countries”

Speaking Club Meeting on “Spring Celebrations in Different Countries”

Karazin University, with the support of the Center for International Cooperation, held a meeting of the Speaking Club on “Spring Celebrations in Different Countries”.

The event was conducted with the participation of Associate Professor O. O. Shapovalova, Director of the Center for International Cooperation and the Ukrainian-Indian Academic Center.

During the meeting the audience had an opportunity to learn about celebrations of the traditional Christian holiday – Easter, the largest national holiday in Ireland – St. Patrick’s Day, world Day of Laughter and Slavic Pancake Week.

“Pancake Week is a national holiday being a symbol of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. The Church used to include Pancake Week to holy holidays calling it Cheese-Fare Holy Week because Pancake Week is the week preceding Lent,” told Heorhii Reviakin, worker of the Center.

During the meeting the participants shared the peculiarities of celebrating spring holidays in their families, described traditiona