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March 05, 2013

University representatives visited an orphanage

University representatives visited an orphanage

Representatives of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University headed by Associate Professor O. O. Shapovalova, Director of the Center for International Cooperation and Ukrainian-Indian Academic Center, visited the regional Center for Social Rehabilitation of handicapped children and persons with childhood disabilities “Promin”.

Within the visit framework the Center workers gave the orphanage wards presents. The Indian dance group “Sitara” also gave a performance for the children. Bobtrade Educational Company sponsored the event supporting the University’s initiative.

For reference. The Center for Social Rehabilitation of handicapped children and persons with childhood disabilities “Promin” provides services in abilitation, social adaptation and rehabilitation together with teaching and brining up handicapped children and persons with childhood physical or mental disabilities without separating them from their families and by engaging parents and other family members in the rehabilitation process.