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March 12, 2013

Training “Image Influence on Career”

Training “Image Influence on Career”

Karazin University, on the initiative of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business, held a training for students from the national network of Reikartz hotels on “Image Influence on Career”.

Some nuances of forming and maintaining image were revealed to the audience by the workers of Reikartz Hotel Complex Viktoria Korchahina and Anna Kozak. The following matters were tackled during the training:

  • Image definition and its main components.
  • Description of clothing styles.
  • Reikartz appearance policy standard.
  • Specifics and principles of creating a business image.
  • Image influence on career.

“Image is a representation, perception of a particular person, an integral part of the person’s character. Image is the impression of a person; it arises and results from analysis of the information obtained about this person,” said Victoria Korchahina.

During the meeting the audience had an opportunity to learn about image components (manner, attire, role, entourage), clothing styles (classical, business, casual, grunge, romantic, sports, military, vamp), uniform history and types (mandatory, practical, symbolic), uniform rules, motivation for choosing an image (functionality, beauty, social indicator, individuality), etc.

“Appearance is important for the image of the person willing to succeed in any field. Therefore, we adhere to the main rules regarding the uniform which are single for all hotels; include using the brand colors, logo; fit into the brand style of the complex and are convenient for workers,” pointed out Victoria Korchahina.

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