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November 29, 2013

International Research and Education Cooperation in Tourism

International Research and Education Cooperation in Tourism

On November 19, 2013, the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business of Karazin University and the School of Business and Service of Belgorod State Research University signed an agreement on research and education cooperation in the field of tourism.

The signing took place within the framework of the international round-table discussion “Cross-Border Cooperation: Course and Future of Development” held at Belgorod State Research University.

The School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business was represented by the Department of Travel Business. The delegation consisted of Head of the Department of Travel Business, Associate Professor A. Parfinenko, Director of the Center for International Cooperation O. Shapovalova and Associate Professors O. Yevtushenko, I. Posokhova and A. Rud.

The parties addressed pressing issues of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism and signed a Research Cooperation Work Program and an Academic Mobility Agreement.

These agreements open new opportunities for research cooperation in travel business, organization of internships and education for students and faculty, improvement of the quality of educational programs in tourism.

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