Trade Union

Under to the Constitution of Ukraine its citizens have the right to be members of trade unions to protect their labor, socio-economic rights and interests. Trade Unions are public organizations bringing together citizens sharing mutual interests within their professional activity.

In its activities the Trade Union aims to represent, fulfill, and protect the labor, socio-economic rights and interests of its members in compliance with Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Their Activity.

To achieve this goal, the Trade Union of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business is oriented towards ensuring that the School faculty be represented and protected.

The School’s Trade Union has been operating since the foundation of the School of Law in 2005. Since 2012 the School’s Trade Union has been headed by Ivan Posokhov, Associate Professor of the Department of Travel Business.

As of November 1, 2014 the Trade Union includes 89 members.

The Trade Union of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business:

  • represents and protects the rights and interests of its members;

  • helps obtain all kinds of financial aid;

  • holds various cultural, artistic, sports events, etc.

All the members of the Trade Union can participate in all the events held by the Trade Union at the School.